Sunday 25 August 2024


Futures contracts are a crucial component of financial markets, allowing participants to hedge risk or speculate on future price movements of assets. In Kenya, the legislative framework governing futures is still evolving. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the current legal provisions, recent case law, and recommendations for reform. Additionally, it includes a roadmap for conducting a futures transaction in Kenya.


The regulation of futures contracts in Kenya is primarily governed by a combination of statutes, regulations, and guidelines issued by regulatory bodies. Key components include:

1.1 Capital Markets Act (Cap 485A)

The Capital Markets Act provides the foundational legal framework for the regulation of capital markets in Kenya, including derivatives like futures contracts. 

Section 2 defines a "security" to include futures contracts.

Section 6 establishes the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), which is responsible for overseeing the regulation of securities markets.

1.2 Capital Markets (Derivatives) Regulations, 2018

These regulations were introduced to specifically address derivatives, including futures contracts. 

Regulation 3 defines derivatives and outlines the scope of regulatory oversight.

Regulation 7 requires derivatives exchanges and clearing houses to be licensed by the CMA.

Regulation 10 addresses the conduct of futures contracts, including trading practices and reporting requirements.

1.3 CMA Guidelines

The CMA issues various guidelines and notices to provide further details on the implementation of the Capital Markets Act and its regulations. For futures contracts, these guidelines often cover:

✓ Market conduct and ✓transparency requirements.

✓Disclosure obligations for ✓market participants.


Recent case law in Kenya relating to futures contracts provides insight into the practical application of existing regulations:

2.1 High Court Case: Kenya Commercial Bank Ltd v. Wanjiru & Others (2022)

This case involved a dispute over the execution of futures contracts and highlighted issues related to contract enforcement and the role of intermediaries. The court emphasized the importance of adhering to the contractual terms and the regulatory framework set by the CMA.

2.2 Court of Appeal Case: Absa Bank Kenya Plc v. James Mwangi (2023)

This case addressed the legality of certain trading practices in the futures market. The court reinforced the need for compliance with the Capital Markets (Derivatives) Regulations, 2018, and stressed the CMA’s role in regulating and supervising trading activities.


The current legislative framework provides a solid foundation but requires updates to address emerging challenges and ensure greater market efficiency:

3.1 Enhancing Regulatory Clarity

There should be more detailed guidance on the types of futures contracts permitted and their specific regulatory requirements. Clear definitions and guidelines can help reduce ambiguity and improve compliance.

3.2 Strengthening Enforcement Mechanisms

Enhanced enforcement mechanisms are needed to address market abuses and ensure adherence to regulatory standards. This includes stricter penalties for non-compliance and better mechanisms for dispute resolution.

3.3 Promoting Market Transparency

Introducing measures to increase transparency in futures trading can enhance market confidence. This could include mandatory reporting requirements and disclosure of trading positions.

3.4 Expanding Market Access

Efforts should be made to broaden access to futures markets for smaller investors. This may involve reducing barriers to entry and providing educational resources to potential market participants.


4.1 Preparation

Research: Understand the asset underlying the futures contract and market conditions.

Compliance: Ensure compliance with the Capital Markets Act and the Capital Markets (Derivatives) Regulations, 2018.

Brokerage: Choose a licensed broker or futures exchange in Kenya.

4.2 Execution

Contract Selection: Select a futures contract that aligns with your investment or hedging strategy.

Trading: Execute the trade through a licensed exchange or broker. Ensure that the terms of the contract are clear and that all parties understand their obligations.

4.3 Post-Trade

Clearing and Settlement: Confirm the transaction with the clearing house and ensure settlement according to the contract terms.

Monitoring: Continuously monitor the position and market conditions. Be prepared for margin calls or adjustments.

4.4 Reporting and Compliance

Reporting: Submit required reports to the CMA and comply with any disclosure obligations.

Auditing: Regularly review transactions and practices to ensure ongoing compliance with regulations.


The legislative framework governing futures contracts in Kenya is anchored in the Capital Markets Act and the Capital Markets (Derivatives) Regulations, 2018, supported by CMA guidelines. Recent case law underscores the importance of compliance and the role of regulatory bodies. Reform suggestions focus on enhancing regulatory clarity, enforcement, transparency, and market access. By following the outlined roadmap, participants can navigate futures transactions effectively and in accordance with Kenyan law.

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