Friday 6 September 2024


In recent immigration cases, the validity of marital status plays a pivotal role in determining the outcome of petitions, especially when concerns are raised about the legitimacy of a marriage based on prior relationships. This article discusses the implications of declaring a marriage void and its impact on immigration petitions, drawing upon legal definitions and case law.


A common issue in immigration proceedings involves the legitimacy of a marriage when one party is alleged to have been previously married. Such concerns can lead to the potential revocation of an approved petition if the earlier relationship is deemed a valid marriage. This article explores the legal basis for determining whether a previous relationship affects the validity of a subsequent marriage.


In legal terminology, the term "void" refers to something that lacks legal force or effect. Black's Law Dictionary defines a void act as one that is legally non-binding and essentially nonexistent in the eyes of the law. Similarly, Corpus Juris Secundum describes a void act as invalid and without legal consequence, treated as if it never occurred.

Case law supports these definitions. For instance, in Ferguson v. Ferguson, the court ruled that a marriage declared void ab initio is considered as if it never existed, rendering any associated legal obligations null and void. Similarly, Duran v. Duran reaffirmed that a void marriage is treated as though it never happened, thus allowing parties to enter new marriages freely.


Different jurisdictions have specific laws regarding what constitutes a valid marriage. For example, under Kenyan law, mere cohabitation does not equate to a valid marriage unless it adheres to statutory requirements. The Kenyan Matrimonial Causes Act and the Marriage Act outline these requirements, including formal registration and procedural adherence.

A judgment from a Kenyan court may declare a cohabitation or presumed marriage void, affirming that such a relationship was never legally binding. This determination is critical as it confirms that no valid marriage existed, thereby validating subsequent marriages under Kenyan law.


When a marriage is declared void, it is legally considered as if it never occurred. This principle is crucial in immigration proceedings, where the validity of a marriage affects petition outcomes. By adhering to legal definitions and judicial precedents, individuals can demonstrate the legitimacy of their marriages and address concerns about previous relationships effectively.

In cases where the legitimacy of a marriage is questioned due to prior relationships, it is essential to present clear legal evidence and court rulings to substantiate the claim of a void prior marriage. This approach ensures that subsequent marriages are recognized as valid, influencing the favorable adjudication of immigration petitions.

#USAImmigration #ImmigrationServices #VoidMarriage #USCIS #VoidMarriage #ValidMarriage #PetitionForAlienRelative

Lex Partners Advocates, LLP is a participating Firm within the SLS Group. 

1 comment:

  1. In U.S. immigration proceedings SiteCountry, the validity of marital status is crucial for applications like spousal visas and green cards, as it directly impacts eligibility and the evaluation of bona fide relationships
